The Witch Makeover: Transforming a Home Depot Animatronic Chair into a Terrifying Halloween Prop

If you’re looking to add a terrifying touch to your Halloween decor, look no further than the DIY makeover done by Jaimie and Jay from Wicked Makers on a Home Depot animatronic chair. This spooky project involved unboxing, assembling, shopping at Goodwill, painting, and adding body parts to turn the animatronic chair into a menacing witch prop. With glowing eyes, motion sensors, and spooky sounds, this witch prop is sure to give trick-or-treaters a scare this Halloween.

By upcycling items and shopping affordably at Goodwill, the Wicked Makers were able to transform a simple chair into a truly haunting Halloween decoration. With the addition of a new hat, wig, and clothing, this animatronic witch went from mild to wild. If you’re looking to elevate your Halloween decor this year, take some inspiration from Jaimie and Jay’s terrifying makeover project.

The Witch Makeover: Transforming a Home Depot Animatronic Chair into a Terrifying Halloween Prop

Discover more about the The Witch Makeover: Transforming a Home Depot Animatronic Chair into a Terrifying Halloween Prop.

Overview of Project

Jaimie and Jay makeover Home Depot animatronic witch for Halloween

Transform rocking chair witch into terrifying Halloween prop

You are about to embark on an exciting journey where Jaimie and Jay from Wicked Makers use their creativity and skills to give a Home Depot animatronic witch a complete makeover for Halloween. This rocking chair witch, purchased for a mere $20 on Facebook Marketplace, originally rocked, talked, and had glowing eyes. The goal of this project was to transform this animatronic witch into a terrifying Halloween prop that would make any trick-or-treater shiver with fear.

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Purchase and Unboxing

Purchased animatronic witch for $20 on Facebook Marketplace

Unboxed the witch with rocking, talking, glowing eyes

Imagine the thrill of finding an animatronic witch for just $20 on Facebook Marketplace. The anticipation and excitement of unboxing this spooky prop with its rocking motion, eerie voice, and glowing eyes must have been unmatched. This was just the beginning of the incredible makeover journey that awaited Jaimie and Jay.

Check out the The Witch Makeover: Transforming a Home Depot Animatronic Chair into a Terrifying Halloween Prop here.

Materials and Tools Used

Used pool noodles for body and arms

Found clothes at Goodwill for chair

Used old wall plug for testing chair

Painted chair and clothes for chair

To bring this animatronic witch to life, creative materials and tools were essential. Pool noodles were ingeniously used to create a body and arms for the chair, while a visit to Goodwill provided the perfect clothes for the witch. The resourcefulness of using an old wall plug for testing the chair’s functionality highlighted the innovative approach Jaimie and Jay took in this makeover. Painting the chair and clothes added the final touch to make the witch truly terrifying.

Makeover Process

Assembling and planning

Shopping at Goodwill for clothing

Weathering clothing and adding body parts

Weathering hat and wig

The makeover process was a meticulous one, involving careful planning and assembling of the various components. Shopping at Goodwill for the perfect clothing pieces added an element of authenticity to the witch’s character. Weathering the clothing and adding body parts not only enhanced the visual appeal but also added depth to the overall look. The attention to detail, even in weathering the hat and wig, showcased the dedication and craftsmanship that went into this transformation.

Final Result

Completed transformation into terrifying Halloween prop

Chair features motion sensor and spooky sounds

After hours of creativity and hard work, the witch underwent a complete transformation into a terrifying Halloween prop. The final result was nothing short of spectacular, with the chair now featuring a motion sensor and emitting spooky sounds. The rocking chair witch had evolved into a character that would surely be the centerpiece of any Halloween display.

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Expensive New Chair Found

Found with parts list

Researched and found missing cord

Used old wall plug to test chair

The discovery of an expensive new chair with a parts list added an element of surprise and challenge to the project. The missing cord was a minor setback, but Jaimie and Jay’s resourcefulness led them to use an old wall plug to test the chair’s functionality. The determination to find a solution and complete the project demonstrated their commitment to delivering a high-quality makeover.

Costume Pieces and Upcycling

Used Goodwill for affordable and unique costume pieces

Upcycling items for environmentally friendly and creative makeover

Utilizing Goodwill for affordable and unique costume pieces showcased a commitment to sustainable and budget-friendly practices. Upcycling items not only minimized waste but also added a creative element to the makeover. By incorporating environmentally friendly practices, Jaimie and Jay demonstrated their dedication to both craftsmanship and responsible consumption.

Collaboration and Sponsorship

Goodwill sponsor for video

Check out other Halloween projects on channel

The collaboration with Goodwill as a sponsor for the video not only highlighted the importance of community and support but also underscored the value of partnering with like-minded organizations. By encouraging viewers to explore other Halloween projects on their channel, Jaimie and Jay shared their passion for creativity and inspired others to embark on their DIY journey.

As you reflect on the comprehensive makeover journey that Jaimie and Jay embarked on, you can’t help but feel inspired by their creativity, resourcefulness, and commitment to delivering a truly terrifying Halloween prop. From unboxing the witch to completing the final transformation, every step was guided by a passion for crafting unforgettable experiences. So, as you prepare for your own Halloween festivities, remember the magic that can happen when creativity and dedication come together to bring a vision to life. Happy haunting!

Discover more about the The Witch Makeover: Transforming a Home Depot Animatronic Chair into a Terrifying Halloween Prop.