DIY Halloween Props: Clock from Nightmare Before Christmas

You’ve probably seen “The Nightmare Before Christmas” and marveled at the intricate details of Halloween Town. One of the standout props is the Halloween Countdown Clock, and now you have the chance to make your own DIY version. Jaimie and Jay, also known as Wicked Makers, have created plans and templates for you to follow along in building your very own countdown clock inspired by this classic Tim Burton film. Whether you choose to use cardboard, foam, or wood, this project is the perfect way to add a touch of Halloween (or Christmas) spirit to your home decor.

Creating this DIY Halloween prop involves assembling a box with number blocks and a spooky wreath, both essential components of the Halloween Countdown Clock. Practical tips on painting techniques for a metallic appearance, creating clock hands, and even optional hanging arrangements are all part of this engaging DIY project. With materials like plywood, cardboard, foamcore, and balsa, you have the flexibility to personalize your countdown clock and make it an eye-catching addition to your Halloween or Christmas decorations. So go ahead and support Jaimie and Jay’s channel, get creative, and have fun crafting your own unique piece of Halloween magic.

DIY Halloween Props: Clock from Nightmare Before Christmas

See the DIY Halloween Props: Clock from Nightmare Before Christmas in detail.


Are you a fan of spooky Halloween decorations that combine a touch of Christmas spirit? If so, this DIY project inspired by Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas is perfect for you. Join Wicked Makers, Jaimie, and Jay, as they guide you through building a Halloween countdown clock from Halloween Town. Let’s delve into this fun and creative project together.

Materials and Tools

When it comes to creating this masterpiece, you have the flexibility to choose from a variety of materials like cardboard, foam, or wood. For this project, the materials used by Wicked Makers included plywood, cardboard, foamcore, and balsa. In addition to these materials, essential tools such as sandpaper and a drill were utilized to bring the countdown clock to life.

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Check out the DIY Halloween Props: Clock from Nightmare Before Christmas here.

Project Details

This DIY Halloween project involves constructing a countdown clock inspired by The Nightmare Before Christmas. Plans and templates for this project are available for purchase on Wicked Makers website. By following these detailed plans, you can easily replicate this spooky yet festive countdown clock that blends the essence of Halloween and Christmas seamlessly.

Box Assembly

The assembly of the countdown clock comprises two main components – the box and the wreath. Wicked Makers demonstrate how to meticulously assemble the box using wood glue and hot glue for added stability. To achieve the desired metal appearance, painting techniques were applied to the box, elevating its aesthetic appeal.

Number Blocks and Wreath

In this section of the DIY project, attention is given to creating number blocks essential for the countdown feature of the clock. By utilizing wooden cubes painted with the necessary numbers, the countdown becomes visually striking. Simultaneously, the process of crafting the wreath using a pre-made grapevine wreath is detailed, with additional decorations enhancing its overall look.

Clock Hands and Markings

To impart authenticity to the countdown clock, specific focus is placed on creating clock hands and month markings. These intricate details add a layer of sophistication to the overall design. By assembling these clock components meticulously, the finished product mirrors the iconic clock from Halloween Town.

Optional Arrangement

For a personalized touch, an optional hanging arrangement is showcased for both the box and wreath. This alternative arrangement highlights the versatility of the project, allowing for creative customization based on individual preferences and spatial constraints.

Support the Channel

If you enjoyed the journey of creating this DIY countdown clock and found the guidance provided by Wicked Makers beneficial, consider supporting their channel by liking, subscribing, and sharing their video. By engaging with their content, you contribute to the growth of the DIY community and inspire others to embark on similar creative projects.

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Embark on your DIY Halloween adventure with this engaging and informative guide, as Wicked Makers walk you through the steps of crafting a Halloween countdown clock inspired by The Nightmare Before Christmas. Let your creativity shine as you bring this spooky yet festive prop to life with the help of detailed plans and expert guidance. Happy crafting!

Get your own DIY Halloween Props: Clock from Nightmare Before Christmas today.